Manual Installation

Warning: Gotcha ahead!

Although we provide a guide below, please note that manual installation is not supported due to the variety of ways that people run their servers. You may, however, still reach out to us and we can offer general guidance.

Broadcast can also be installed manually on your server with the Docker image.

This method is more complex than the automation installation method, and so this is not recommended for most users. However, there are specific reasons why you might want to manually install and run Docker.

First, let’s talk about what functionalities are not available with the manual installation method.

Features not available with manual installation

1. Auto updates

You will need to manually update the Docker image to get the latest features and security updates. See below for examples on how to do this manually.

2. Backups

Automatic backups are not supported as this feature requires creating system services. You will need to manually backup the database or set up some script to do it for you. Below, we provide you with some example scripts to help you get started.

3. Reverse proxy / multi-domains / SSL termination

You can still use multiple domains on a single server with Broadcast, but you will need to manually set up your server’s reverse proxy to handle this for you.

For example, if you are using Nginx or Caddy, you will need to manually set up the reverse proxy to handle the multiple domains.

You will also need to manually set up your SSL certificates.

Steps to manually install and run Broadcast

1. Create a directory to run Broadcast

Clone the Broadcast script file to your server:

git clone /home/your-user/broadcast

Replace your-user with the username of the user account on your server.

Be careful to not run the script, as that is used for the automation installation method.

2. Modify the docker-compose.manual.yml file

There is a docker-compose.manual.yml file in the cloned repository.

The file looks like this:

# docker-compose.manual.yml
    image: ${}
    platform: linux/${TARGETARCH:-amd64}
    pull_policy: always
    container_name: app
    restart: always
      - /home/replace-with-your-user/broadcast/app/.env
      - /home/replace-with-your-user/broadcast/app/storage:/rails/storage
      - /home/replace-with-your-user/broadcast/app/uploads:/rails/uploads
      - "" # Overrides default ports
      - broadcast-network
        condition: service_healthy
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "10m"
        max-file: "3"
    command: bin/rails server # Overrides default command

    image: ${}
    platform: linux/${TARGETARCH:-amd64}
    pull_policy: always
    container_name: job
    restart: always
      - /home/replace-with-your-user/broadcast/app/.env
      - /home/replace-with-your-user/broadcast/app/storage:/rails/storage
      - broadcast-network
        condition: service_healthy
      - "bin/jobs"
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "10m"
        max-file: "3"

    image: postgres:17-alpine
    container_name: postgres
    restart: always
      - /home/replace-with-your-user/broadcast/db/.env
      - /home/replace-with-your-user/broadcast/db/backups:/backups
      - /home/replace-with-your-user/broadcast/db/postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - /home/replace-with-your-user/broadcast/db/init-scripts:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
      - ""
      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U broadcast"]
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 10
      start_period: 30s
      - broadcast-network
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "10m"
        max-file: "3"

    driver: bridge

Broadcast replies on 3 containers to run:

  • The app container
  • The job container
  • The postgres container

The names of these containers should be self explanatory.

Certain volumes need to be mounted from your host machine to the containers in order to persist data.

3. Create the .env files

You will need to create the .env files for the app/job and db containers.

The app and db containers share the same .env file, which is located in the /home/your-user/broadcast/app directory.

Copy the sample files from /home/your-user/broadcast/manual to the respectively app and db directories.

There is some duplicate in the both the app and db .env files, so be careful to copy the correct values.

You will need to generate a SECRET_KEY_BASE value for the app container.

To do this, run the following command in the /home/your-user/broadcast/app directory:

openssl rand -hex 64

The value that is generated can be used for the SECRET_KEY_BASE variable in the .env file.

Next, you will need to generate a POSTGRES_PASSWORD value.

To do this, run the following command:

openssl rand -hex 32

Copy this value into both the the app and db .env files. Note that in the app .env file, the password variable is called DATABASE_PASSWORD, and that in the db .env file, the password variable is called POSTGRES_PASSWORD.

Next, set the TLS_DOMAIN and LICENSE_KEY values to the domain name of your server and the license key you got from the customer dashboard.

4. Run the docker compose file

Before you can run the docker compose file, you will need to ensure that Docker is already installed on your server. As well, you will need to be logged into Broadcast’s private Docker registry:

docker login

Please email us to get access to the private Docker registry as you will need a username and password to log in.

Test running the Broadcast containers together with the following command:

docker compose -f docker-compose.manual.yml up

This should boot up the three containers and start the Broadcast app.

5. Setup monitored services

Once you have confirmed that everything is working correctly, press CTRL+C to stop the containers.

Next, you will need to setup monitored services for the containers.

If you are on a Linux system, you want to use systemd to manage running the containers.

For example, if you’re using systemd, you can create a new service file for the Broadcast containers.


ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "docker compose -f /home/your-user/broadcast/docker-compose.yml up"
ExecStop=/bin/bash -c "docker compose -f /home/your-user/broadcast/docker-compose.yml down"
