
The setup process for Broadcast is straightforward and involves a few simple steps.

Initial onboarding

When you first install Broadcast, you must go to your installed domain.

Say, for example, you installed Broadcast at, you must go to immediately after installation to set up your administrative account.

Note: Future versions of Broadcast will support multiple administrative users. For the time being, only one user is supported.

Once set up, Broadcast will ask you to confirm the domain it is installed at, and a name for the default broadcast channel.

Setting up your channel

Before you can begin sending any email messages, you must configure your channel settings.

This includes:

  • Sender name and email address (eg. “John Doe” [email protected]). All emails sent from this specific channel will appear to come from this sender.
  • At least one SMTP server for sending emails.

For SMTP settings, you must provide:

  • SMTP server address
  • SMTP server port
  • SMTP authentication type (None, Login, or CRAM-MD5)
  • SMTP username
  • SMTP password
  • Email types that can be sent from this server (Broadcast, Sequences, and/or Transactional Emails)

Once you have entered your SMTP settings, click on the “Test SMTP settings” button to verify that your settings are correct. We need to make sure that Broadcast can login to your SMTP server and send emails.

Once you have set up your channel, you can begin sending messages. Broadcast will let you know if any settings are missing or invalid.